The gut-brain connection: How digestion affects brain power and productivity

The saying “gut feelings” is common, but did you know the condition of your gut impacts the condition of your brain too? It’s true, digestion and bacterial balance in your gut can impact your cognitive function, productivity, and overall well-being.

Gut and brain are connected by the gut-brain axis, a complicated network of signaling pathways that talk to each other. It’s mainly controlled by the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons in the walls of the gut that we sometimes call the “second brain.”

The enteric nervous system controls digestion and other gut functions, and it’s connected to the central nervous system through the vagus nerve (brain and spinal cord). Gut and brain can communicate bidirectionally thanks to this connection.

What does all this have to do with brain power and productivity? The health of your gut and the balance of bacteria there (also known as your microbiome) can actually affect your brain.

In research, for example, it’s been shown that the gut microbiome affects neurotransmitters, chemical messengers important for brain function. Changes in the gut microbiome may also contribute to neurological conditions like anxiety and depression.

Along with affecting neurotransmitter production and brain health, the gut microbiome also affects inflammation. Several bad health outcomes can be caused by chronic inflammation, including cognitive decline and productivity loss.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy gut balance may help keep your brain healthy and productive. You can do this by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking supplements like probiotics.

Boswellia, also known as frankincense, has been shown to be good for gut health and inflammation. The herb boswellia has been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine to treat digestive issues and inflammation.

There’s evidence that boswellia can reduce inflammation in the body, including the gut, and support gut health. Moreover, some studies suggest that boswellia may enhance memory and learning.

It’s a fascinating and complex area of research, and there’s still a lot to learn about how digestion impacts brain function and productivity. However, it is clear that taking care of your gut health is important for overall well-being, and incorporating supplements like boswellia into your routine may help to support gut health and cognitive function.

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