6 Ways to Better Our Relationships for Productivity

Relationships are imperative in our lives for many reasons for sure. Good relationships promotes our emotional well being. Good ones also creates stability in our daily lives. Its always nice to have that someone to count on or even someone to blow some steam and vent to when times are tough (essay long text messages gets it all out).

If your professional and personal relationships are strong, life’s good. We feel energized and motivated to pursue our interest (skipping your day away reaching for your goals with a smile). However, if bad, our ability to do things we want or need to do is impaired (mopping around wondering why you even do what you do, or anything at all as a matter fact).

It’s important to practice maintaining healthy relationships while proceeding to be productive reaching your set goals. How to balance it all? very good question….

While this may seem complicated, with just a few things to keep in mind it is totally possible and definitely worth it. You would want to practice balance to avoid any of the common problems that can occur and hinder your productivity. Your professional relationships can have an impact on your personal relationships and your personal relationships can have an impact on your professional relationships…..things can get messy, if you let it. It’s common for people to be stressed from their place of work then disperse that same stress at home. A stressed person is looking to discharge that energy and any loved one can be the unfortunate target.

Stress from work is the most common cause for relationship unhappiness. According to a survey done by dating website eharmony, 35% of partners report work stress as their top couple issues. Of course you can also carry stress from your personal relationships with you to your place of work. This can alter your attitude and decrease your enthusiasm for that project you’ve been working on, or it can even shoo all your potential clients away. A toxic personal relationship can deplete you. It can drain you of all your energy, time, passion, and sometimes money. Some personal relationships can be a big distraction preventing you from accomplishing your goals for where you truly want to be in life.

So how to be productive while maintaining healthy relationships? Here’s a few tips:

Focus on the Big Picture

When you focus on the long term vision you stop stressing over the dumb little things. By focusing on the big picture things become more manageable an easier to deal with. Have just a few task to complete on your daily to-do list. These few task should be aimed towards your big picture goals. Check on your progress through the day to make sure your on track

Break Projects Down into Pieces

It’s more progressive when you breakdown projects in pieces and finish smaller task one at a time. This prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and will also reduce the amount of time to be spent on a project.

Pencil- In Social Events on a Calendar

Schedule dates with your significant other and plan get-togethers with friends a head of time. This helps you with better time management and gives you some space to enjoy quality time for friends, family, and hobbies you love. When you schedule personal events ahead of time, no matter how crazy your day gets you’ll have something good to look forward to afterwards. This also works as a productivity trick; do well during the work day and reward yourself with fun activities later.

Open Communications with your Partner

Open communication with your partner can help bring clarity, awareness, and understanding in your relationship. Its good to communicate with your partner about whats on your mind to avoid any negative misunderstandings. Good communication skills can resolve problems or even better, prevent problems from happening in the first place.

Work on Goals Together

Involving your partner with the goals your trying to reach is a great idea to boost productivity. Two minds are better then one! Couples who commit to changing together are often times more successful than those who don’t work towards goals together. By working together your relationship is instantly strengthened. You’ll learn together and can share ideas and tips for what works and what doesn’t. It’s also good to have someone in your corner to hold you responsible for staying on track.


Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing ones awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting ones feelings and thoughts. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. Sometimes we can get in our own way, mindfulness helps with letting the dust settle to see things clearly in order to resolve any problems or task at hand.

It’s a great feeling to successfully establish healthy personal and professional relationships throughout your journey to your goals. Imagine the amount of work that you could do with that positive energy on your side. A little kindness, positive affirmation, and a good attitude can go a long way towards easing tension and can lift the spirits of everyone around you at work or at home and things will be more cooperative. Remember not all relationships will be great, a good aim is to try to eliminate any unnecessary stress as much as possible.

What do you think? how can you apply some of these tips to your life to have more productive relationships?

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